Queuence English edition

4.9 ( 1389 ratings )
Værktøjer Sociale netværk

"Queuence" is coined word that means "Queue and Science".

You can estimate prediction of the required time easily to line up (or make procession).
If you enter the number of people lined up already and behind you after a few minutes, you can see the required time easily.

= Features =

■ Simple operation.
Necessary operation is the touch of a few buttons. you can expect a wait time soon.

■ Available without registration of personal information.
You can use without e-mail address or any personal information such as registering.

■ Share with friends.
You can directly post the estimated waiting time to Twitter and Facebook.
You can share the result with your friends easily.

■ Map view.
You can see the newest information of queues on the map.
Wait time information is displayed on the map that is shared, so you can find where popular restaurants are at a glance.

■ Search in the map.
You can search the information in the map view with free word. Thus you can examine wait time of the shop, even if you know only rough location.


Of course this app is helpful even if be used alone.
Manage your time efficiently by using Queuence.